Marketing: working papers (RePEc, 22/11/2010)

Source : NEP (New Economics Papers) | RePEc

  • Marketing of Menthol Cigarettes and Consumer Perceptions: A White Paper
Date: 2010-10-07
By: Anderson, Stacey J
Publicly available internal tobacco industry documents were analyzed to answer the following questions regarding menthol cigarette marketing and consumer perception: 1) Are/were menthol cigarettes marketed with health reassurance messages? 2) What other messages come from menthol cigarette advertising? 3) How do smokers view menthol cigarettes? 4) Were menthol cigarettes marketed to specific populations? More than 800 relevant documents were identified on 1) marketing menthol with health assurance messages; 2) user imagery-focused marketing; 3) consumer perceptions of menthol products; and 4) targeting specific populations. Analyses indicated menthol cigarettes were marketed as, and are perceived by consumers to be, healthier than non-menthol cigarettes. Menthol cigarettes are also marketed to specific social and demographic groups, including African Americans, young people, and women, and are perceived by consumers to si gnal social group belonging. From analyses of these documents, it is concluded that marketing emphasizing menthol may attract consumers who may not otherwise progress to regular smoking, including young, inexperienced users and those who find “regular†cigarettes undesirable.
  • Advance-Purchase Discounts as a Price Discrimination Device. .
Date: 2010
By: Nocke, Volker
Peitz, Martin
Rosar, Frank
In an intertemporal setting in which individual uncertainty is resolved over time, advancepurchase discounts can serve to price discriminate between consumers with different expected valuations for the product. Consumers with a high expected valuation purchase the product before learning their actual valuation at the offered advance-purchase discount; consumers with a low expected valuation will wait and purchase the good at the regular price only in the event where their realized valuation is high. We characterize the profitmaximizing pricing strategy of the monopolist. Furthermore, adopting a mechanism design perspective, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition under which advance-purchase discounts implement the monopolist’s optimal mechanism.
JEL: D42
  • Sales, Quantity Surcharge, and Consumer Inattention
Date: 2010-11
By: Sofronis Clerides
Pascal Courty
Quantity surcharges occur when firms market a product in two sizes and offer a promotion on the small size: the large size then costs more per unit than the small one. When quantity surcharges occur the sales of the large size decrease only slightly despite the fact that the small size is a cheaper option – a clear arbitrage opportunity. This behavior is consistent with the notion of rationally inattentive consumers that has been developed in models of information frictions. We discuss implications for consumer decision making, demand estimation, and firm pricing.
Keywords: quantity surcharge, sales, promotions, consumer inattention, quantity discounts, nonlinear pricing.
  • Demand for Self Control: A model of Consumer Response to Programs and Products that Moderate Consumption
Date: 2010
By: Berg, Nathan
Kim, Jeong-Yoo
Is it better to apply effort to increase personal consumption, or control what one wants? The model presented here provides a characterization of demand for self control, namely, its responsiveness to price and risk. Unlike most other models of self control, the model does not identify self control with time inconsistency or rely on the multiple-selves framework. Self control refers to resources allocated to preference transformation technology enabling consumers to moderate desire for ordinary consumption by reducing threshold levels required to achieve goals or target-levels of consumption. Consumers face a choice between allocating resources toward increasing expected levels of consumption or increasing chances of contentment through self control. Because of strong income effects, demand for self control turns out to be non-monotonic in price and sometimes discontinuous, revealing potential for unanticipated and someti mes surprisingly large responses to small changes in price. The model is used to analyze consumers’ willingness to follow new regulations, take up credit counseling, enroll in financial literacy programs, and purchase products aimed at improving financial decision making through cultivation of self control.
Keywords: Preference Choice; Preference Change; Moderation; Restraint; Desire; Financial; Decision Making; Consumer Credit; Consumer Finance; Institutional Design; Ecological Rationality; Bounded Rationality; Behavioral Economics
JEL: D18
  • L’influence de la marque, de la juxtaposition et de la coordination sur l’évaluation et l’intention d’achat : une approche expérimentale en magasin
Date: 2010
By: L. Lessassy (CERAG – Centre d’études et de recherches appliquées à la gestion – CNRS : UMR5820 – Université Pierre Mendès-France – Grenoble II)
A. Jolibert (CERAG – Centre d’études et de recherches appliquées à la gestion – CNRS : UMR5820 – Université Pierre Mendès-France – Grenoble II)
L’influence des marques de distributeur sur le rayon a été négligée au profit de la coordination et de la juxtaposition des produits Cette recherche porte sur la manière dont les marques de distributeur ou nationales par leur interaction avec leur juxtaposition et leur coordination, affectent l’évaluation et l’intention d’achat. Une expérimentation en magasin a été utilisée
Keywords: coordination ; marque ; juxtaposition ; évaluation ; intention d’achat ; product coordination ; brand ; juxtaposition ; evaluation ; purchase intention
  • L’utilisation du cadrage des conséquences au sein des messages de sante publique : bilan et perspectives pour la recherche en marketing
Date: 2010
By: L. Balbo (CERAG – Centre d’études et de recherches appliquées à la gestion – CNRS : UMR5820 – Université Pierre Mendès-France – Grenoble II)
M.L. Gavard-Perret (CERAG – Centre d’études et de recherches appliquées à la gestion – CNRS : UMR5820 – Université Pierre Mendès-France – Grenoble II)
L’objectif de cette communication est de proposer une synthèse des travaux majeurs portant sur la problématique du cadrage des conséquences dans les communications de santé publique. Le concept d’effet de cadrage « framing effect » (Tversky et Kahneman, 1981 ; 1986) en raison de son rôle possible dans l’efficacité des communications préventives et assimilées a fait l’objet de plusieurs études en psychologie et quelques unes en marketing. En utilisant pour cadre de référence le postulat de la théorie des perspectives, Rothman et Salovey (1997) proposent que la formalisation verbale d’un message de santé assorti d’une recommandation suggérant un comportement peut être à l’origine de l’efficacité plus ou moins grande de cette communication. Il semble donc judicieux de s’intéresser à la problématique de « l’effet de cadrage » appliqué aux campagnes de communication de santé publique, afin, d’une part , de faire la synthèse des travaux majeurs sur le sujet et, d’autre part, de confronter certaines informations issues de la littérature de manière à identifier et éclairer quelques confusions ou ambiguïtés existantes mais aussi, pour proposer des voies de recherches futures
Keywords: cadrage ; conséquences ; messages ; sante publique ; bilan et perspectives ; recherche en marketing
  • Using history to help refine international business theory: ownership advantages and the eclectic paradigm
Date: 2010-03
By: da Silva Lopes, Teresa
In John Dunning’s eclectic paradigm firms need to have ownership, location, and internalisation advantages in order to cross borders and engage in foreign direct investment. By drawing on historical evidence on the evolution of a group of leading marketing-based multinationals in consumer goods, this paper claims that, despite its richness, the eclectic paradigm, and in particular the concept of ‘ownership advantages’, needs to be revised and extended, to take into account different levels of institutional analysis. For the eclectic paradigm to give a rounded view of the internationalising firm it needs to acknowledge the critical importance of firm-specific ownership advantages such as the role of the entrepreneur.

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